Historic England is highlighting gems from the 240 sites across the country added to the National Heritage List for England (NHLE) over the past year.

A picturesque watermill drawn by Constable, two iconic green London cab shelters, a military milestone in Northumberland and a 1960s church in Wiltshire feature in Historic England’s annual round up, which showcases intriguing examples of county’s rich and varied heritage protected through listing or scheduling over the last 12 months.
They also include a Victorian fountain in Stockton-on-Tees, an early 20th-century tin tabernacle in Nottinghamshire, two shipwrecks off the Isle of Wight, an Arts and Crafts doctor’s house in Manchester, a Georgian folly in Cornwall, and First World War training trenches in Norfolk connected to the history of the S.A.S.
Lord Parkison Heritage Minister added "Heritage sites tell the story of our country, boost tourism, and help us understand and take pride in where we live. By listing buildings and protecting wrecks, battlefields and monuments, we can safeguard our history for future generations to enjoy as well. With an extra 240 places added to the list this year,"
Coombe Gill Mill, Borrowdale, Keswick, Cumbria
The rugged rubblestone and slate building, perched on the edge of Coombe Gill, a tributary of the river Derwent, was once used to mill corn for the local community.
Nestled in the lush scenery of the Lake District National Park, Coombe Gill Mill became a source of inspiration for artists keen to capture its picturesque qualities.
The most famous was John Constable, who produced a pencil and watercolour drawing of the mill in 1806 while on a tour of the Lake District to expand his repertoire.

Cabmen’s shelters at Pont Street and Chelsea Embankment, London
Cab shelters were built to solve the problem of the capital’s Victorian cabbies needing a place to get hot food or take a break at all hours of the day and night, without leaving their vehicles unattended, which was against the law.
Today, just 13 cab shelters survive out of the 61 known to have been built in London between 1875 and 1950.
The shelter at Pont Street was built by the Cabmen’s Shelter Fund in 1892 and is still open today. It replaced an earlier version from 1875, which was one of the first cabmen’s shelters constructed in London.
The shelter at Chelsea Embankment, sometimes referred to as ‘The Pier’ due to its proximity to Cadogan Pier, was built by the Cabmen’s Shelter Fund in 1912. It has been moved slightly from its original position on Royal Hospital Road to the east.

Lovat Scouts' First World War training trenches, Docking, Stanhoe, Norfolk
First World War training trenches constructed by the Lovat Scouts, a Scottish Highland Yeomanry regiment commanded by Lord Lovat.
The Lovat Scouts began in 1900 as two companies of Scottish Yeomanry that served in the Second Boer War.
On 4 June 1915 a local newspaper reported the presence of the Lovat Scouts on Docking common. First, they produced a series of enemy trenches. Then they constructed a complex set of opposing trenches.

Most of the trenches were filled in after the war. In 2012, roughly one third of the 'British' trenches were partially excavated to reveal their form, and a campsite was created around the quarried area.
London Scottish House 95 Horseferry Road, London
1980s drill hall built for the London Scottish Regiment which incorporates elements from their previous Victorian building at 59 Buckingham Gate.
London Scottish House was built as the drill hall for the London Scottish Regiment, an army unit founded in 1859, with enrolment restricted to men with Scotland connections. It still serves as their headquarters today.
Although constructed in the 1980s, the exterior is designed in neo-Classical style enlivened with classical and Post-Modern details.

The Howk Bobbin Mill, Caldbeck, Lake District National Park, Cumbria
A 19th-century purpose-built bobbin mill, one of the best surviving examples in the country.
The Howk Bobbin Mill was built by local entrepreneur John Jennings in a picturesque natural limestone gorge, with waterfalls, and started production in 1857. It was one of the largest in the Lake District and at the height of its operation employed 60 men and boys.
Today it’s one of the best surviving examples of a purpose-built bobbin mill in the country, with a range of buildings and machinery which show how the mill and production processes operated.

Shingles Bank Wreck NW96 and Shingles Bank Wreck NW68, Needles Channel, Isle of Wight
The 16th and 17th century Shingles Bank Wreck sites (NW96) and (NW68) off the Isle of Wight have been granted the highest level of protection. Their remains include cannons and lead ingots and have shed light on trading at the time.
The Shingles Bank in the Needles Channel is a well-known navigational hazard for ships entering the Solent from the west. It is thought that both NW96 and NW68 became stranded on the banks before sinking.

Apperly Family Mausoleum, Rodborough Churchyard, Gloucestershire
An Arts and Crafts style miniature mausoleum, constructed for a prominent local landowner and bearing the names of his family including a grandson who died during the Battle of the Somme.
The Apperly family mausoleum is unusual – despite being small and located in a quiet country churchyard, it’s exquisitely designed by the talented architect Percy Morley Horder and designer John Houghton Maurice Bonnor.
It was constructed in about 1913, to house the remains of Sir Alfred Apperly, a member of a prominent local family which became wealthy through the woollen trade. Sir Alfred was an important figure in the local community; he was a benefactor of local causes, a councillor and Justice of the Peace.
